Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Anxiety

Christmas always brings anxiety. What to get everyone? Will they like it? Maybe I should make something? I don't have enough time. I don't have enough money. There's too many people I want to give presents to. I love everyone. Do I really love them if I can't get them a gift? I'm selfish. I'm cheap. Everyone is going to be disappointed in me. My property tax is due. Mr car registration is due. The water heater is leaking.Then there are some of those past Christmases and their associated miseries. I won't go there. People who aren't here,now. I won't go there either. It's dark, cold, rainy. I think I'll listen to Christmas Music. I think I'll make some cookies. I think I'll write a card to my friend. I think I'll sit in my comfy chair with my cat, Goku, on my lap. I think I'll work on that quilted project for my niece. Her birthday was last week. I'm always late. I love Dobby.Merry Christmas everyone.