Friday, January 23, 2015

Back to the Needles

I made it through the  angst-ridden holiday season and actually enjoyed myself. I made a nice dinner for my 2 adult sons, my husband and myself; and, we spent a very peaceful day together.

My niece loved her birthday present and I am very happy about that!

My sister and my niece suggested that I visit the website, Ravelry. I did and it is huge!  Ravelry is a fiber art, knitting, crochet,  and all things yarn community. I have spent hours and days visiting forums, downloading patterns, and buying yarn like I'm going to live forever.  The project pages are amazing. People make the most beautiful things.
I have made a dishrag and a knitted hat for my hubby.
I fell in love with a lace shawl called, Wintersweet, by Boo knits, The ladies in the forum suggested that I make a smaller shawl first. I had to buy a book and watch a bunch of YouTube tutorials to learn how to make the stitches that I used to know about 25 years ago. It really is so fun to re-learn and knitting a pattern is so absorbing. I hope it will help keep what little brain I have left in good shape.