Thursday, August 18, 2022

A return to the “Before Times?” Is it possible?

 Yesterday I got a call from a sewing teacher saying her weekly classes were going to begin again at our favourite quilt shop.  I was ecstatic. I have not heard from anyone, locally in the past 2 years. It was a lovely feeling of hope, like life was coming back after a terrible winter and I’m seeing new growth for the first time. I had settled in to my life of isolation, with brief visits to the market for groceries and chatting with the postal clerks behind plexiglass for the obligatory questions of  “ anything harmful, hazardous, liquid, perishable or fragile?”  If I’m energetic, I will stop them in their spiel of, “here is your tracking number.” and circling the spot to fill out a survey about my visit to the Post Office that day. I’ve already given everyone the highest marks and typed the names of the individual clerks in the comment section. Doing my small part to thank the only people that have kept me connected to the human race in the last 2 years. Family, have we ever appreciated them more? I have 2 adult sons living at home, various cats, dearest hubby a daughter that keeps in touch through iMessage and phone calls. To them and all my digital friends I say, “Thank you!”

A new kitty, Peerie has been a welcome addition to the household since June 7th, 2022