Saturday, January 14, 2023

Folks, our house fell off the foundation during the 12/20/2022 CA, Earthquake around 2:35-2:45 a.m. The gas line broke beneath the meter and the Fortuna Fire Department answered our 911 call quickly to cap off the gas line. The sounds of a rushing river were heard under the house and our dear neighbor, Neal had the proper tool to shut off the water main coming onto the property from the alley way.

We slept in our car until daybreak, thankful we had enough gas in the car to turn the heater on occasionally.

It looks ok from the outside, but the house fell down 2 feet and slid to the South another 18 inches according to the Structural Engineer. Not a window was broken, but the inside floors fell away from the walls. And it is downright scary inside!

Finding a contractor who isn't already swamped with work is proving challenging. Loans need a contractor's bid. Our dearest daughter secured a longterm  Airbnb for us to stay in, but we have less than 2 weeks to find new housing. We are on multiple property management lists and are looking into purchasing a used travel trailer. Does anyone have one we can rent? The timing of everything is a big question. If we purchase a trailer will that interfere with getting a loan to fix the house? There isn't any water or electricity to the property, so is a trailer the best thing to do? We are not prepared to put down first and last months rent and a security deposit as well as $1500/mo rent. We paid off the home years ago and are both on fixed incomes, now. So, we really are in a pickle. I saw the option on Paypal to put up a donation link on my social media sites or websites. It seems too easy and I hope it is legal. I will check it out next week and give more information, when I call my bank during business hours. If you want to take a chance and donate to my PayPal account it will go towards “Saving the Greens!” No money for building supplies or construction as we have a loan and that already and it would be fraud to receive money for that. 

