Friday, March 24, 2023

Greetings Dear Reader, 

I know I have one reader. Thank you to my dear friend for the $100 contribution to our “Save the Greens” fund. Since my last post a travel trailer was lent to us by some very dear friends that we have known for almost 45 years. We met them at church one Sunday, 2 weeks after the birth of their first daughter, Sarah. I was expecting my first child so was eager to take a look at the new baby and introduce myself to the new mother. To this day I think she was the prettiest baby I’ve ever seen. Downy dark hair, rosy cheeks and red lips so perfectly shaped and tiny. She was miraculous. Babies! It was all new to me, mysterious, scary and exciting. Her mother was beautiful and confident. We became best friends.  Her husband, Dave was vibrant and fun and has remained so all these years later. Our growing families were our joy. We were filled with love in all good things and were faithful churchgoers at the time.  There were many other young couples at this new church group. They all were such beautiful people and we all became good friends. We loved God and enjoyed singing, praying and chatting together in that cheerful, welcoming atmosphere. Those were the days, eh? 

Hubby and I had been married about 7 months when we picked up and  moved to Truckee, California to start our life together. We visited some friends that were living in Truckee and fell in love with the beauty of the area. We were young and free, we could make our life anywhere! We chose the mile high Sierras near Donner Lake.  You know, the site of the unlucky Donner Party who ate each other one terrible winter when they were stranded in the snow and couldn’t find anything else to eat?  Maybe not such a good choice; like getting married in February and dooming ourselves to gloomy cold and wet anniversaries for the rest of our married life? Anyway, we got off to a good start those first few years in Truckee. 

Thank you Dave and Debbie for your steadfast love in Christ and for us. We certainly don’t deserve it, but are grateful, nonetheless. God is good.  Dark clouds were on the horizon for hubby and me, however. That’s another post, for another day. Until, then, dear reader, Tata.